Browse through any publications or tutorials on programming and you'll come across a common theme. The very first exercise is to print to screen or display module is that of " Hello World". This is my hello world moment, and like most first attempts there may be a few bugs to flick off the vacuum tubes. In my attempt at University to change Hello World to " Paul is Gay" has gathered some following in its 2nd year.
Hello world, welcome to the 1st installment of the Som Series. It will be a loose collections of mutterings and things that I find interesting or amusing, down right bizarre and hopefully on occasion a piece that may ask you to think and ponder your own surroundings.
Now lets get to speed, well we finally (Australia) have a government. I personally feel that it was correct for Rob Oakeshott to not accept a ministry, played Labor at their own game. I had the dreaded "Man Flu" , and no I didn't feel that I was dying, lets say I saw my meals once more. All of this in a middle of an exam week and usual lab report deadlines and on top of that I have an impending exam that could change the course of my career.
Yes that's right folks the UK Gammy is here once more. Long time admirer first time candidate. I already failed in my attempts in the studying for dreaded Gammy as others would say. Taking on 5 courses and the Gammy in itself which really requires its own full time study of ( Biology, Physics, O-Chem, Chem, essay righting ;p) and to top it off possess some common sense for the reasoning portion. C'mon am iz engineering, common sense does not apply, I just assume its a certain condition.
But as usual, I will just sit down and enjoy a bit of Breaking Bad season 2.
..... and yes the Wills finally got me into WoW, Mat will be so proud of me. Ztransform is now Lvl 18, oh how geeky am I!
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